Nimbus Infrastructure Now Paratus Namibia Holdings Limited

Nimbus Infrastructure, now Paratus Namibia Holdings Limited, is a Namibia Stock Exchange listed company that Cirrus listed in 2017.

We are the investment advisors to the company, with a focus on ICT companies and ICT infrastructure.

Nimbus Infrastructure Limited (“Nimbus”) was listed on the Namibia Stock Exchange (NSX) in October 2017, as the country and exchange’s first Capital Pool Company. Subsequently, following the successful acquisition of shares in Paratus Namibia Limited, and a share swap for the remaining shares in Paratus Namibia Limited with the founding and subsequent shareholders, the company name was changed to Paratus Namibia Holdings Limited in late 2019.

The company is an investment holding company with a focus on ICT investments, particularly ICT infrastructure, and acts as a vehicle through which to deploy capital into the ICT space.

The listing of Nimbus was the brainchild of Cirrus Capital, whose team spearheaded the listing process, alongside local law firm Cronje and Company, and individuals from the Paratus group.

The Capital Pool Company, while in the rules of the NSX since 2012, had never before been tried in Namibia, meaning that extensive first run development was required from the team. From a 16-page draft pre-listing statement, the team put together the listing documentation and pre-listing statement in record time, with little over three months between the formal commencement of the project to the closing of the raising.

Nimbus was listed as an ICT investment vehicle, with a focus on acquiring and developing ICT companies and ICT assets and infrastructure across the sub-Saharan Africa region.

The company is now a mainboard listed company trading under the name Paratus Namibia Holdings Limited (PNH NW Equity). Cirrus remains actively involved in the company with Co-Founder Romé Mostert sitting on the company board as the Chief Investment Officer. As of early 2021, the company had a market cap of N$560 million (U$40 million), was the only ICT company listed on the NSX, and is fast becoming the foremost fiber player in Namibia.

For more information on Paratus Namibia Holdings,
please visit the Paratus Namibia Holdings website

For more information on Paratus Namibia,
please visit the website